gloox | The namespace for the gloox library |
  Base64 | An implementation of the Base64 data encoding (RFC 3548) |
  prep | This namespace offers functions to stringprep the individual parts of a JID |
  PubSub | Namespace holding all the Pubsub-related structures and definitions |
   Subscriber | |
   Affiliate | |
   TrackedInfo | |
   SubscriptionInfo | |
   Event | This is an implementation of a PubSub Notification as a StanzaExtension |
    ItemOperation | |
   Item | Abstracts a PubSub Item (XEP-0060) |
   Manager | This manager is used to interact with PubSub services (XEP-0060) |
   ResultHandler | A virtual interface to receive item related requests results |
  util | A namespace holding a couple utility functions |
   Mutex | A simple implementation of mutex as a wrapper around a pthread mutex or a win32 critical section |
   MutexGuard | A simple implementation of a mutex guard |
  Adhoc | This class implements a provider for XEP-0050 (Ad-hoc Commands) |
   Command | An abstraction of an Adhoc Command element (from Adhoc Commands, XEP-0050) as a StanzaExtension |
    Note | |
  AdhocCommandProvider | A virtual interface for an Ad-hoc Command Provider according to XEP-0050 |
  AdhocHandler | A virtual interface for an Ad-hoc Command users according to XEP-0050 |
  AMP | This is an implementation of XEP-0079 (Advanced Message Processing) as a StanzaExtension |
   Rule | |
  Annotations | This is an implementation of XEP-0145 (Annotations) |
  AnnotationsListItem | |
  AnnotationsHandler | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive notes with help of the Annotations object |
  Attention | This is an implementation of XEP-0224 as a StanzaExtension |
  BookmarkListItem | |
  ConferenceListItem | |
  BookmarkHandler | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive bookmarks with help of a BookmarkStorage object |
  BookmarkStorage | This is an implementation of XEP-0048 (Bookmark Storage) |
  Bytestream | An abstraction of a single bytestream |
  BytestreamDataHandler | A virtual interface that allows implementors to receive data sent over a SOCKS5 Bytestream as defined in XEP-0066, or an In-Band Bytestream as defined in XEP-0047. You'll also need it for sending of data |
  BytestreamHandler | A virtual interface that allows to receive new incoming Bytestream requests from remote entities |
  Capabilities | This is an implementation of XEP-0115 (Entity Capabilities) |
  ChatState | An implementation of Chat State Notifications (XEP-0085) as a StanzaExtension |
  ChatStateFilter | This class adds Chat State Notifications (XEP-0085) support to a MessageSession |
  ChatStateHandler | A virtual interface that enables an object to be notified about a remote entity's Chat States (XEP-0085) |
  Client | This class implements a basic Jabber Client |
  ClientBase | This is the common base class for a Jabber/XMPP Client and a Jabber Component |
  Component | This is an implementation of a basic jabber Component |
  CompressionBase | This is an abstract base class for stream compression implementations |
  CompressionDataHandler | An abstract base class used to receive de/compressed data from a CompressionBase-derived object |
  CompressionDefault | This is an abstraction of the various Compression implementations |
  CompressionZlib | |
  ConnectionBase | An abstract base class for a connection |
  ConnectionBOSH | This is an implementation of a BOSH (HTTP binding) connection |
  ConnectionDataHandler | This is an abstract base class to receive events from a ConnectionBase-derived object |
  ConnectionHandler | This is an abstract base class to receive incoming connection attempts. Do not confuse this with ConnectionListener, which is used with XMPP streams and has a completely different meaning |
  ConnectionHTTPProxy | This is an implementation of a simple HTTP Proxying connection |
  ConnectionListener | Derived classes can be registered as ConnectionListeners with the Client |
  ConnectionSOCKS5Proxy | This is an implementation of a simple SOCKS5 Proxying connection (RFC 1928 + RFC 1929) |
  ConnectionTCPBase | This is a base class for a simple TCP connection |
  ConnectionTCPClient | This is an implementation of a simple TCP connection |
  ConnectionTCPServer | This is an implementation of a simple listening TCP connection |
  ConnectionTLS | This is an implementation of a TLS/SSL connection |
  ConnectionTLSServer | This is an implementation of the server-side of a TLS/SSL connection |
  DataForm | An abstraction of a XEP-0004 Data Form |
  DataFormField | An abstraction of a single field in a XEP-0004 Data Form |
  DataFormFieldContainer | An abstract base class for a XEP-0004 Data Form |
  DataFormItem | An abstraction of an <item> element in a XEP-0004 Data Form of type result |
  DataFormReported | An abstraction of a <reported> element in a XEP-0004 Data Form of type result |
  DelayedDelivery | This is an implementation of XEP-0203 (Delayed Delivery) |
  Disco | This class implements XEP-0030 (Service Discovery) and XEP-0092 (Software Version) |
   Identity | An abstraction of a Disco identity (Service Discovery, XEP-0030) |
   Info | An abstraction of a Disco Info element (from Service Discovery, XEP-0030) as a StanzaExtension |
   Item | An abstraction of a Disco item (Service Discovery, XEP-0030) |
   Items | An abstraction of a Disco query element (from Service Discovery, XEP-0030) in the disco::items namespace, implemented as a StanzaExtension |
  DiscoHandler | A virtual interface that enables objects to receive Service Discovery (XEP-0030) events |
  DiscoNodeHandler | Derived classes can be registered as NodeHandlers for certain nodes with the Disco object |
  DNS | This class holds a number of static functions used for DNS related stuff |
  Error | A stanza error abstraction implemented as a StanzaExtension |
  Event | A base class for events |
  EventDispatcher | An Event dispatcher |
  EventHandler | An base class for event handlers |
  FeatureNeg | An abstraction of Feature Negotiation (XEP-0020), implemented as a StanzaExtension |
  FlexibleOffline | An implementation of XEP-0013 (Flexible Offline Message Retrieval) |
  FlexibleOfflineHandler | Implementation of this virtual interface allows for retrieval of offline messages following XEP-0030 |
  CertInfo | |
  GPGEncrypted | This is an abstraction of a jabber:x:encrypted namespace element, as used in XEP-0027 (Current Jabber OpenPGP Usage) |
  GPGSigned | This is an abstraction of a jabber:x:signed namespace element, as used in XEP-0027 (Current Jabber OpenPGP Usage) |
  InBandBytestream | An implementation of a single In-Band Bytestream (XEP-0047) |
  InstantMUCRoom | This class implements an instant MUC room |
  IQ | An abstraction of an IQ stanza |
  IqHandler | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive IQ stanzas |
  JID | An abstraction of a JID |
  LastActivity | This is an implementation of XEP-0012 (Last Activity) for both clients and components |
   Query | This is an abstraction of a LastActivity Query that can be used in XEP-0012 as well as XEP-0256 |
  LastActivityHandler | This is an virtual interface that, once reimplemented, allows to receive the results of Last-Activity-queries to other entities |
  LogHandler | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive debug and log messages |
  LogSink | An implementation of log sink and source |
  MD5 | An MD% implementation |
  Message | An abstraction of a message stanza |
  MessageEvent | An implementation of Message Events (XEP-0022) as a StanzaExtension |
  MessageEventFilter | This class adds Message Event (XEP-0022) support to a MessageSession |
  MessageEventHandler | A virtual interface that enables an object to be notified about Message Events (XEP-0022) |
  MessageFilter | Virtual base class for message filters |
  MessageHandler | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive incoming message stanzas |
  MessageSession | An abstraction of a message session between any two entities |
  MessageSessionHandler | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive incoming message sessions |
  MUCInvitationHandler | A handler that can be used to receive invitations to MUC rooms |
  MUCMessageSession | This is a MessageSession, adapted to be used in a MUC context |
  MUCRoom | This is an implementation of XEP-0045 (Multi-User Chat) |
   MUC | An abstraction of a MUC query |
   MUCUser | An abstraction of a MUC user query |
  MUCListItem | |
  MUCRoomConfigHandler | An abstract interface that can be implemented for MUC room configuration |
  MUCRoomParticipant | |
  MUCRoomHandler | This interface enables inheriting classes to be notified about certain events in a MUC room |
  Nickname | An implementation of User Nickname (XEP-0172) as a StanzaExtension |
  NonSaslAuth | This class is an implementation of XEP-0078 (Non-SASL Authentication) |
  OOB | This is an abstraction of a jabber:x:oob namespace element or a jabber:iq:oob namespace element as specified in XEP-0066 |
  Parser | This class implements an XML parser |
  Presence | An abstraction of a presence stanza |
  PresenceHandler | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive presence stanzas |
  PrivacyItem | This is an abstraction of a single item of a privacy list, describing an allowed or forbidden action |
  PrivacyListHandler | A virtual interface that allows to retrieve Privacy Lists |
  PrivacyManager | This class implements a manager for privacy lists as defined in section 10 of RFC 3921 |
  PrivateXML | This class implements XEP-0049 (Private XML Storage) |
  PrivateXMLHandler | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to store and receive private XML data |
  Receipt | An implementation of Message Receipts (XEP-0184) as a StanzaExtension |
  RegistrationFields | |
  Registration | This class is an implementation of XEP-0077 (In-Band Registration) |
   Query | A wrapping class for the XEP-0077 <query> element |
  RegistrationHandler | A virtual interface that receives events from an Registration object |
  Resource | Holds resource attributes |
  RosterItem | An abstraction of a roster item |
  RosterItemData | A class holding roster item data |
  RosterListener | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive roster updates |
  RosterManager | This class implements Jabber/XMPP roster handling in the jabber:iq:roster namespace |
  Search | An implementation of XEP-0055 (Jabber Search) |
  SearchFieldStruct | |
  SearchHandler | A virtual interface that enables objects to receive Jabber Search (XEP-0055) results |
  SHA | An implementation of SHA1 |
  SHIM | An implementation/abstraction of Stanza Headers and Internet Metadata (SHIM, XEP-0131) |
  SIHandler | An abstract base class to handle results of outgoing SI requests, i.e. you requested a stream (using SIManager::requestSI()) to send a file to a remote entity |
  SIManager | This class manages streams initiated using XEP-0095 |
  SIProfileFT | An implementation of the file transfer SI profile (XEP-0096) |
  SIProfileFTHandler | An abstract base class to handle file transfer (FT) requests |
  SIProfileHandler | An abstract base class to handle SI requests for a specific profile, e.g. file transfer |
  SOCKS5Bytestream | An implementation of a single SOCKS5 Bytestream (XEP-0065) |
  StreamHost | |
  SOCKS5BytestreamManager | An SOCKS5BytestreamManager dispatches SOCKS5 Bytestreams |
  SOCKS5BytestreamServer | A server listening for SOCKS5 bytestreams |
  SoftwareVersion | This is an implementation of XEP-0092 as a StanzaExtension |
  Stanza | This is the base class for XMPP stanza abstractions |
  StanzaExtension | This class abstracts a stanza extension, which is usually an element in a specific namespace |
  StanzaExtensionFactory | A Factory that creates StanzaExtensions from Tags |
  StatisticsStruct | |
  StatisticsHandler | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive connection statistics |
  Subscription | An abstraction of a subscription stanza |
  SubscriptionHandler | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive incoming subscription stanzas |
  Tag | This is an abstraction of an XML element |
   Attribute | |
  TagHandler | A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive non-XMPP Core stanzas |
  TLSBase | An abstract base class for TLS implementations |
  TLSDefault | This is an abstraction of the various TLS backends |
  GnuTLSBase | This is the common base class for (stream) encryption using GnuTLS |
  GnuTLSClient | This class implements a TLS backend using GnuTLS |
  GnuTLSClientAnon | This class implements an anonymous TLS backend using GnuTLS |
  GnuTLSServer | This class implements (stream) encryption using GnuTLS server-side |
  GnuTLSServerAnon | This class implements (stream) encryption using GnuTLS server-side |
  TLSHandler | An interface that allows for interacting with TLS implementations derived from TLSBase |
  OpenSSLBase | |
  OpenSSLClient | |
  OpenSSLServer | |
  SChannel | |
  UniqueMUCRoom | This class implements a unique MUC room |
  VCard | A VCard abstraction |
   Address | |
   Email | |
   Geo | |
   Label | |
   Name | |
   Org | |
   Photo | |
   Telephone | |
  VCardHandler | A virtual interface that helps requesting Jabber VCards |
  VCardManager | A VCardManager can be used to fetch an entities VCard as well as for setting one's own VCard |
  VCardUpdate | This is an abstraction of a vcard-temp:x:update namespace element, as used in XEP-0153 (vCard-Based Avatars) |
  XHtmlIM | This is a wrapper of an XHTML-IM (XEP-0071) message body |