This is the complete list of members for MUCRoom, including all inherited members.
acknowledgeInstantRoom() | MUCRoom | inline |
addHistory(const std::string &message, const JID &from, const std::string &stamp) | MUCRoom | |
affiliation() const | MUCRoom | inline |
ban(const std::string &nick, const std::string &reason) | MUCRoom | inline |
cancelRoomCreation() | MUCRoom | inline |
createDataForm(const JID &room, const DataForm *df) | MUCRoom | static |
declineInvitation(const JID &room, const JID &invitor, const std::string &reason=EmptyString) | MUCRoom | static |
destroy(const std::string &reason=EmptyString, const JID &alternate=JID(), const std::string &password=EmptyString) | MUCRoom | |
flags() const | MUCRoom | inline |
getRoomInfo() | MUCRoom | |
getRoomItems() | MUCRoom | |
grantVoice(const std::string &nick, const std::string &reason) | MUCRoom | inline |
handleDiscoError(const JID &from, const Error *error, int context) | MUCRoom | virtual |
handleDiscoInfo(const JID &from, const Disco::Info &info, int context) | MUCRoom | virtual |
handleDiscoItems(const JID &from, const Disco::Items &items, int context) | MUCRoom | virtual |
handleDiscoNodeFeatures(const JID &from, const std::string &node) | MUCRoom | virtual |
handleDiscoNodeIdentities(const JID &from, const std::string &node) | MUCRoom | virtual |
handleDiscoNodeItems(const JID &from, const JID &to, const std::string &node=EmptyString) | MUCRoom | virtual |
handleIq(const IQ &iq) | MUCRoom | inlinevirtual |
handleIqID(const IQ &iq, int context) | MUCRoom | virtual |
handleMessage(const Message &msg, MessageSession *session=0) | MUCRoom | virtual |
handlePresence(const Presence &presence) | MUCRoom | virtual |
HistoryMaxChars enum value | MUCRoom | |
HistoryMaxStanzas enum value | MUCRoom | |
HistoryRequestType enum name | MUCRoom | |
HistorySeconds enum value | MUCRoom | |
HistorySince enum value | MUCRoom | |
HistoryUnknown enum value | MUCRoom | |
instantRoomHook() const | MUCRoom | inlineprotectedvirtual |
invite(const JID &invitee, const std::string &reason, const std::string &thread=EmptyString) | MUCRoom | |
join(Presence::PresenceType type=Presence::Available, const std::string &status=EmptyString, int priority=0) | MUCRoom | virtual |
kick(const std::string &nick, const std::string &reason=EmptyString) | MUCRoom | inline |
leave(const std::string &msg=EmptyString) | MUCRoom | |
MUCRoom(ClientBase *parent, const JID &nick, MUCRoomHandler *mrh, MUCRoomConfigHandler *mrch=0) | MUCRoom | |
MUCUserOperation enum name | MUCRoom | |
name() const | MUCRoom | inline |
nick() const | MUCRoom | inline |
OpDeclineFrom enum value | MUCRoom | |
OpDeclineTo enum value | MUCRoom | |
OpInviteFrom enum value | MUCRoom | |
OpInviteTo enum value | MUCRoom | |
OpNone enum value | MUCRoom | |
registerMUCRoomConfigHandler(MUCRoomConfigHandler *mrch) | MUCRoom | inline |
registerMUCRoomHandler(MUCRoomHandler *mrl) | MUCRoom | inline |
removeMUCRoomConfigHandler() | MUCRoom | inline |
removeMUCRoomHandler() | MUCRoom | inline |
requestList(MUCOperation operation) | MUCRoom | |
requestRoomConfig() | MUCRoom | |
requestVoice() | MUCRoom | |
revokeVoice(const std::string &nick, const std::string &reason) | MUCRoom | inline |
role() const | MUCRoom | inline |
send(const std::string &message) | MUCRoom | |
send(const std::string &message, const std::string &subject, const StanzaExtensionList &sel=StanzaExtensionList()) | MUCRoom | |
service() const | MUCRoom | inline |
setAffiliation(const std::string &nick, MUCRoomAffiliation affiliation, const std::string &reason) | MUCRoom | |
setName(const std::string &name) | MUCRoom | inlineprotected |
setNick(const std::string &nick) | MUCRoom | |
setPassword(const std::string &password) | MUCRoom | inline |
setPresence(Presence::PresenceType presence, const std::string &msg=EmptyString) | MUCRoom | |
setPublish(bool publish, bool publishNick) | MUCRoom | |
setRequestHistory(int value, HistoryRequestType type) | MUCRoom | |
setRequestHistory(const std::string &since) | MUCRoom | |
setRole(const std::string &nick, MUCRoomRole role, const std::string &reason=EmptyString) | MUCRoom | |
setRoomConfig(DataForm *form) | MUCRoom | |
setSubject(const std::string &subject) | MUCRoom | |
storeList(const MUCListItemList items, MUCOperation operation) | MUCRoom | |
~IqHandler() | IqHandler | inlinevirtual |
~MUCRoom() | MUCRoom | virtual |